State College in Black and White (Post 7)

Black and white. A person wearing a messenger bag and riding a bicycle. In the frame, they're riding from right to left, beneath a ONE WAY sign pointing in the same direction.

One Way
September 20, 2022
South Allen Street and West Calder Way
Ricoh GR II

From behind a floor-to-ceiling plate glass window at the end of a hallway. A person below at a sidewalk intersection on a college campus. Dappled light through the trees on the hallway floor.

Framed from Burrowes
September 20, 2022
From the Burrowes Building, facing the library mall
Ricoh GR II

Black and white. A closed storefront on the first floor of a brick building. Paper covers the large glass windows. Hand-painted on the paper are the words "Thank You State College."

Thank You State College
January 5, 2022
Saint's Cafe
Canon 60D, Sigma 30mm f/1.4

Wide angle, high contrast black and white image. Roofs of buildings and a parking garage. A large apartment building in the distance. Thick clouds overhead.

Cloudy Sky
September 22, 2022
From atop one of the downtown parking garages.
Ricoh GR II

Black and white. An old wooden door in a brick wall. Thin, short vines trail down over the top third of the door.

October 10, 2022
Canon 60D, Sigma 30mm f/1.4

Click here for all photos in this project thus far.